Welcome to Savvy Gatsby’s comprehensive guide for event planners who are seeking to conquer the world of audiovisual intricacies with confidence. As an audiovisual agency, Savvy Gatsby is your trusted partner in turning your event into a spectacular audiovisual experience. Our mission is to become your in-house audiovisual department, delivering precisely what you need while ensuring you get the best value for your investment.

Whether you’re a tech aficionado or someone who’s a bit hesitant about the world of AV, our checklist will help you navigate through the maze of audiovisual requirements and equipment selection like a pro. In addition, we’ve added a vital component – a run-of-show guide – to ensure your event runs seamlessly.

1. Equipment Checklist for Events:
First things first, it’s crucial to understand the essential audiovisual equipment you may need for your event. We’ll dive into the key components, ensuring you’re well-prepared:

– Mixer/soundboard
– Aspect ratio for screens
– Projectors
– Microphones
– Bandwidth
– Frequency band
– Transmitters and receivers
– Adapters and dongles

2. Steps to Customize Your Audio Visual Checklist for Your Event:
Every event is unique, and so are its audiovisual needs. Discover how to tailor your checklist to suit your client’s specific requirements:

– Identify your client’s basic A/V needs
– Choose the right screen type
– Ensure you have the audio essentials
– Consult with your A/V provider on the type of video switcher/mixer
– Equip your presenter with the right technology
– Illuminate the stage
– Consider hiring an event producer for complex shows

3. Layout Questions Event Planners Should Ask Their AV Company:
Effective communication with your AV provider is key to a successful event. Here are some crucial questions to ask:

– Where is the “front of house”?
– Where is power coming from?
– Where will cables be run?
– Are the projectors front projection or rear projection?
– What will the event really look like?

4. Creating a Run-of-Show:
A well-structured run-of-show is essential for a smoothly executed event. Here’s a step-by-step guide to create one:

– Arrival and setup time for the AV team
– Sound and equipment checks
– Presenter rehearsals
– Final equipment inspections

During the Event:
– Start and end times for each segment
– Introduction of speakers and presenters
– AV cues (e.g., when to display slides or videos)
– Q&A sessions and audience interactions
– Transitions between segments
– Breaks and intermissions
– Special announcements or surprises

– Equipment breakdown and packing
– AV team departure time

Becoming an audiovisual maestro doesn’t have to be intimidating. With the right knowledge and Savvy Gatsby as your partner, you can confidently navigate the intricate world of event AV. Remember, our goal is to make your event not just visually stunning but also seamlessly executed.

If you found this checklist and run-of-show guide helpful, don’t keep it to yourself. Share it with your colleagues and let’s all rise together in the realm of audiovisual excellence. Join the conversation on Twitter @SavvyGatsby and share your A/V tips with us. Together, we’ll create unforgettable audiovisual experiences!

Stay tuned for more valuable insights from Savvy Gatsby, your go-to audiovisual agency for events that leave a lasting impression.

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